This article deals with the problem of the reconstruction of the emphatic element, element of negative polarity and negative element |-naj|. The research is based on the materials on the southern and northern dialects of Selkup language. First of all, the negative element |-naj| which manifests itself as an integral part of negative pronouns and adverbs, is the product of the second outcome – grammaticalization of the corresponding emphatic element |-naj|. So, in its turn, it is supposed that the emphatic element |-naj| is the result of the merging of two elements: some pronoun (or stem of some pronoun) |-nɛ| and the corresponding emphatic particle |-aj|. Moreover, being of emphatic nature, the element |-naj| (as well as |-aj|) probably can merge with other elements producing new lexemes with new meanings, for example: southern Selkup |olanej| ‘so’; northern Selkup |nɨnaj| ‘again, at once’.
Keywords: Selkup language, reconstruction, emphasis, negation
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 49 — 54
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