The paper presents the analysis of the speech behavior pattern of APOLOGY in German and Russian. In the first part of paper the illocution of APOLOGY is defined in terms of Natural Semantic Metalanguage. The contrastive research is carried out from three different angles. Firstly, from the structural viewpoint, main language patterns of the realization of APOLOGY are described. Secondly, from the pragmatic viewpoint, it is considered whether and how the situations in which Germans and Russians express APOLOGY are different. It is shown that the difference between conventional and substantial APOLOGY proves to be very important for the German-Russian comparison. And thirdly, the possibilities of expressing APOLOGY in German and Russian are described using the method of communicative-pragmatic field. The peculiarities of field organization in these languages are revealed. The study is based on the existing corpora of the German and the Russian.
Keywords: speech behavior, apology, intercultural communication, contrastive linguistics, Russian, German
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 35 — 48
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