The research project deals with the analysis and description of the semantic category of location and motion in the Ket language using the approach advanced in the framework of the Theory of Functional Grammar as advanced by A. V. Bondarko and his research team. The investigation uses a notion of locative construction which includes three basic components: the object being localized (Figure, in L. Talmy’s notation), the reference object, or landmark (Ground) and spatial relations between the former and the latter. The semantic types of locative constructions based on the static and dynamic types of spatial relations, and topological and non-topological characteristics of spatial relations have been distinguished. The analysis of the basic language means of expressing spatial relations in Ket which include lexical items (motion and posture verbs, locative adverbs), grammatical items (case markers, locative postpositions), incorporated, and syntactic means (simple and polypredicative clauses) has been done. The research project examines the locational and directional markers on the components of static and dynamic spatial situations which include case markers, locative postpositions and adverbs differentiating essive, allative, elative and prolative meanings. The idioethnic specificity of marking spatial relations has been shown. The specificity consists in double subject marking of motion verbs, possibility of deriving transitive causative motion verbs from the corresponding intransitive motion verbs by adding one more subject agreement slot containing a subject marker which is co-referent with the subject marker of the original intransitive verb, the availability of incorporated motion verbs, аmong others. The notion of the non-verbal predicate as understood by Kees Hengeveld is proposed to be applied to the Ket material. The principal means of marking non-verbal predicates which involve personal and non-personal predicative suffixes are considered. The classification of the structural types of non-verbal locative predicates has been accomplished. As a result, the personal-predicative and non-personal-predicative predicates have been identified. The former are represented by substantive, substantive-postpositional, pronominal, pronominal-postpositional, adverbial predicates as well as some spatial nouns, and the latter – only by substantive-postpositional predicates.
Keywords: Ket language, Theory of functional Grammar, static situations, dynamic situations, different-level means of coding spatial relations, non-verbal predicates
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
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