The paper discusses several verb suffixes used in the Northern Samoyedic languages. Some properties of the forms being discussed give rise to assume that their semantics is related to the aspectual meaning of the prospective that represents the grammaticalization of the relationship of a present state of affairs to some subsequent situation. Among these forms are both non-finites (participle suffixes), and the suffixes used in finite verb word-form. It has been shown that the typical features of the prospective meaning are most saliently manifested by the participles. The suffixes used in finite verb word-form are apparently the result of further grammaticalization of the prospective meaning. In different Northern Samoyedic languages they function either as evidentials or as the future tense markers.
Keywords: prospective, Samoyedic languages, Nenets language, Enets language, Nganasan language, participle, evidentiality, future tense, grammaticalization
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue № 1
Pages: 9 — 20
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