The relevance of the topic is defined by the ongoing discussions currently taking place in Germany on the correlation of national and European identity levels of Germans. The scientific novelty of the approach presented in the paper is defined by its addressing to the problem of attitude of the German society towards “the recent historical past” and its influence on the transformation of national self-consciousness of Germans within the frameworks of European identity formation. The conventional historiography considers the problem of German’s attitude towards “historical succession” while the author pays attention to the problem of “collective guilt” of German nation for the crimes of Third Reich, also considering the issues of “separated German nation” while existence of German Democratic Republic and Federal Republic of Germany. The article demonstrates the direct influence of the problem of overcoming the historical past on the transformation of national and formation of European identity levels of Germans. The evolution of German nation concept and the concept of historical policy before and after separation of Germany is considered in a close relation with the process of building the European identity, German intellectual elite and government being its main actors. The specific properties of the mentioned processes are also peculiar to western and eastern Germans as well as the influence of world society on these processes. The conclusion is made about the formation in present Federal Republic of Germany the careful policy of updating the national identity of Germans and consolidation of German nation within the frameworks of universal principles of legal state and values of European democracy.
Keywords: National identity of Germans, the German nation, European identity of Germans, historical memory, historical policy
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Issue: 3, 2014
Series of issue: Issue № 1
Pages: 57 — 67
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