The article deals with word motivation in the dynamics of language according to the data of a psycholinguistic experiment. The experiment was intended to analyze motivation of herbs names in the view of their linguistic development. There were chosen 23 Russian herbs names (names of wild herbaceous medical plants growing in the Western and Eastern Siberia), which were analyzed and classified depending on their motivation before the experiment. Respondents were to answer the question “Why do you think these plants have such names?” during the experiment. There were asked 54 respondents. 1242 given responses were determined into seven groups after the analysis of experiment data. The further study considered the amount of responses in each group. Thus all the chosen herbs names tend to be both motivated and not motivated. 12 of them show features of remotivation, lexicalization of the inner form of the word and demotivation. 11 names show small or no features of any dynamic motivation changes. No names have features of neo-motivation or idiomatic changes. It should be also noted, that some motivation features were not considered during the experiment and so need further studies probably appealing to other languages.
Keywords: motivation, motivology, motivational features, nominational features, herbs, remotivation, demotivation, lexicalization, inner form of the word
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Issue: 3, 2014
Series of issue: Issue № 1
Pages: 23 — 38
Downloads: 1766