In a wide sense diamorphism can be determined as a losing genetic uniformity by a language i.e. monolingualism of its idiom. Being a heterogeneous (polyglossic) language due to its resources the contemporary German contains layers of heterolingual means functioning in the German literary speech synchronously as diglossic variants of stylistically different values, eg.: posten – veröffentlichen, Coverstory – Titelgeschichte. Concerning the diglossy of the type „German vs. (American) English“ resulting from the exoglossic language situation in Germany since 1945 the diamorphism tendency can be characterized as a preferring heterogeneous (English) variants to autochthonous ones by speakers. In a narrow sense diamorphism is opposite to isomorphism and is manifested in prevailing of foreign resources over German ones in separate lexical-semantic groups or discourses. Diamorphism tendencies in contemporary German within an invasive borrowing of Anglo-Americanisms are detected by deriving the exoglossic index that explicate a grade of a certain intralinguistic sublevel’s subsystems to be susceptible to the influence of a donor language and is a quotient of the total of a sublevel means ({х} underlevel) and the quantity of Anglo-American borrowings detected ({х}АА): Iэкз={x}подуровень/{x}АА The exoglossic index under 0,5 displays an inconspicuous infiltration of Anglophonic material and isomorphic functioning of a sublevel. A figure above 0,5 explicates a diamorphism tendency in a certain lexical sphere.
Keywords: diamorphism, resource heterogeneity, isomorphism, contemporary German, exoglossic index, density of lexical and grammatical invasiveness
Kobenko Yu. V. Standartny amerikano-britanskiy angliyskiy kak yazyk sovremennoy globalizacii [Standard British-American English as language of the modern globalization]. Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2011, no. 9 (111), pp. 20–23 (in Russian).
Snisar A. Yu., Kobenko Yu. V. Lingvisticheskiye ramki i instrumetariy teorii exoglossii [Linguistic framework and apparatus of exoglossic theory]. Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2011, no. 9 (111), pp. 24–27 (in Russian).
Issue: 3, 2014
Series of issue: Issue № 1
Pages: 17 — 22
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