The Khanty language represents an extensive dialectal continuum. Not only are the extremes of the continuum mutually unintelligible but the dialects in-between belonging to the same group are mutually unintelligible, too. Our research focuses on the documentation and description of the highly endangered Vasyugan variety of Eastern Khanty spoken in Tomsk region. There are fewer than 10 proficient speakers of Vasyugan Khanty left. The paper focuses on Vasyugan Khanty complex clauses, which have been syntactically restructured due to the century-long extensive contact with Russian. The clauses have mostly been restructured in terms of constituent order, finiteness/non-finiteness and the use of subordinators which results in grammatical convergence. Vasyugan Khanty synchronizes the constituent order with the surrounding Russian language. The title of the paper implies that grammatical convergence is the manifestation of language attrition among individual speakers.
Ключевые слова: Eastern Khanty, complex sentences, relativization strategies, language contact, grammatical convergence, language attrition
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Выпуск: 2, 2013
Серия выпуска: Выпуск № 2
Страницы: 75 — 82
Скачиваний: 1407